Thursday, April 8, 2010

Balancing Act

A Balancing Act

Do you find yourself running like a maniac during the day? I do. Do you find that you are working so hard to be organized that you’ve run out of time to enjoy life? I have. Do you find that you are so intent on making sure things are done correctly that you are making everyone else in the family miserable in the process? Oh boy, I am.
I find myself failing at these specific things each day and I am frustrated. Why? It is good to be busy, right? It’s good to be organized, right? It’s good to do things correctly, right? Well, sure, to an extent all of those things are good. But when my focus is on the running and the organizing and the correctness of everything, I have lost my way. God didn’t call me to be a City Planner or a CEO or a task master. He called me to be a mom.
Yes, yes…I know what you are saying. Being a mom involves ALL of those duties; running like crazy, organizing and doing things correctly. I know. But it’s so much more than that. Being a mom is about teaching through example how to accomplish those tasks. It’s about knowing your little people and what is going on in their hearts and in their day. It’s about spending time being happy with them even if the ‘things’ of the day aren’t done or perfect. (Jill…are you listening? Hello? Jill? ) For some, this is a monumental task. Ok, fine. For me this is a monumental task.
Possibly it has to do with the size of my family and number of businesses we own. There IS a lot to do in a day. And truly, can I tell the accountant or the bank, “Gee, sorry about the overdraft. I will do my bookwork later. I’m enjoying the kids this week!” Well, of course not. (though I’d love to!) There has to be a balance. Striking that balance is what I find difficult.
Maybe you are a little like me. I put off all fun things until the ‘un-fun’ things are done. I don’t go for a walk until I have done my bookwork, laundry, errands, menus, grocery shopping, food prep., etc. This means I rarely get to go for a walk. I don’t commit to hanging out with a friend because I know I will have work to do and if I don’t get it done right away it will pile up and then it will become unmanageable! Well, at least that’s how it feels to me. This means I rarely get to hang out with friends. I don’t want to burden my parents/older kids with the littles so I don’t ask for sitters unless I really must. This means I mostly get sitters for the ‘un-fun’ things. Then I begin to be an unhappy camper. And you know what they say: If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!
So I go back to the Bible and see what God has to say about my current dilemma. I know that God is not a God of chaos. I know He is a God of order and peace. I want order and peace!! Proverbs 17:1 says, “Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting with strife.”
Ok, I get it. Basically it’s better to have Pizza Rolls and a happy home than a standing rib roast with 4 amazing side dishes and a cranky mother. So I’m going to work on re-aligning my priorities with His; striking a balance between the nuts and bolts of the day and being the mom I should be. How about you? Do you need to lighten up too? If so, then join me in memorizing Proverbs 17:1. God IS the God of peace!
So now I wonder, does that ‘crust’ have to be homemade? Oh boy…

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