Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wednesday...Gateway to Thursday

Yes, I know that title makes no sense, except that Thursdays are usually my quietest day and I really look forward to them.

I am quite literally counting the hours until this day is over. It has not gone so well. Oh sure, I have had a couple minor successes. I got my nails done (I like the nails but it feels like such a major time suck to sit there when so much else needs to be done), I washed dishes by hand because the dishwasher was running already and I made Sofie an appointment at the prosthetics place for next week.

A good bit of trauma began, however, when I opened my calendar on my phone accidentally instead of my contacts. I saw that Sofie had an orthodontics appointment today at 11:50. Ugh! I had forgotten. So, I called the middle school to have them give her a note saying I would be there at 11:30. I then opened my iPad to check what days would be good for that prosthetics appointment and see that her orthodontist appointment is at 10:30! Immediately I call the school back to change the time, all the while feeling increasingly stupid. Then I am unsure. What time is her appointment really supposed to be?? I search through emails until I locate the one from the orthodondist and see that it is indeed at 11:50. Oh bother! I am NOT calling the school back again!

When I arrived, an hour earlier than really necessary, I find that she is not ready because the office never sent her the note. Good grief! We leave, rush through some paperwork at my office, hit the orthodontist and then enjoy lunch out at the new Chinese buffet. I guess that turned out OK after all.

Of course then after school Sofie needs to be picked up are so she can stay and take a test she missed, the fax I need to send gets a busy signal nine times and I run out of time to sit and wait for it, I have no plan for dinner, I totally missed the dude who came to re-check the kitchen island measurement and he didn't get the cabinet door he needs to send in to have stain-matched and I am going to bang my head on the tile floor soon because I've been trying to study for a test over cells with the 5th grader and he tells me they never talked about how the chloroplasts get energy from the sun. Hhmmm...really? THEN WHY DOES IT SAY THOSE EXACT WORDS ON YOUR STUDY GUIDE???

Of course, as any fine parent would do on a day like today, I made a bacon and sauerkraut dish. No main dish just the sauerkraut. I thought it sounded good and I had the ingredients. The kids are not going to eat it. I will let them eat cold cereal. Then we can hop off to church where I can hand out snacks because feeding people makes me happy.

Tomorrow is Thursday. Today is Thursday Eve. Tomorrow I have no appointments. Sshhhh! I know about all those things I SHOULD do tomorrow! Do you think I don't? Of course I do. But right now, the entire column under Thursday in my calendar is empty. It is beautiful.

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