Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Unanswered Prayers

My day started earlier than usual as the hubby had to get off to Omaha for continuing education for his Master Pumper license.  I got him packed to spend the night there and out the door while making breakfast and herding kids around.  Chase and I left the house early to attend the Muffins with Moms at his elementary school library. I had a little lemon poppyseed muffin and he chose a chocolate chip  muffin that was technically larger than his head.  He ate almost all of it!  This after a bowl of oatmeal at home.  Hmm..and I thought Sofie was our kid with the hollow leg.  har har.
After enjoying muffins on short chairs with my favorite fourth grader, I headed over to my in-law's house.  My MIL (Karen) had to work this morning so I was going to stay with my FIL (Ed).  Since his stroke last week, he still shouldn't be left alone.  His vision isn't quite back to normal in his right eye and his right side of the body is still weak/numb.

As soon as I arrived, he was ready to GO!  This is a man who goes out for coffee EVERY morning with his friends.  We got in the car and headed for coffee.  He was greeted by everyone in the place and it lifted his spirits to be out and about.  He and I sat and visited for about an hour.  He and I typically have a good time joshing eachother and he loves to take the boys to do whatever he is doing.  He is the 'handy' type of guy.  He can fix anything...ANYthing.  He used to let our oldest son take apart microwaves and telephones and anything else he could get his hands on, just to see how it was put together.  He lets the boys mow and feed the fish in his pond and they go out for ice cream and whoppers.

After we'd enjoyed coffee and chatting we headed back to the house where he napped in his recliner in the sun porch until my dad came over for a visit.  They sat out on the sun porch and I sat inside on the couch in the silent house where there was no laundry, cleaning, bookwork, computer or tasks that need to be completed.  It was wonderful!  I read through all my magazines and catalogs and even perused a couple of Karen's cookbooks. 

As a high school senior, McKenzie, has open lunch so she came and had a bite to eat and say 'hi' to Grandpa.  A litttle after noon, Karen returned and I was off to the grocery store and back to the busy reality of life.

I am so thankful that I don't work outside the home.  I'm blessed that I have the time to go over and be with Ed.  For all the times I prayed to live somewhere, anywhere, other than Nebraska, I can't imagine not being here now.  Thank God for unanswered prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ed is sure lucky to have a daughter in law named Jill who lives so close and does things that normally sons and daughters do.